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Meet Vicki Lopez

• Elected in 2022 as State Representative - District 113

• Appointed to the following Committees by House Speaker Paul Renner
  • Vice Chair on the Select Committee on Health Innovation (2023-24)
  • Children, Families & Seniors Subcommittee (2022-23) (2023-24)
  • Infrastructure & Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee (2022-23) (2023-24)
  • Postsecondary Education & Workforce Subcommittee (2022-23) (2023-24)
  • PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee (2022-23) (2023-24)
  • Transportation & Modals Subcommittee (2022-23) (2023-24)
  • Joint Legislative Auditing Committee (2022-23)

• Appointed to the Housing Development of Florida Board of Directors by House Speaker Paul Renner (2022-23) (2023-24)

• Owner, Miami-based VLL Consulting LLC

• Former member of the Lee County Commission

• Appointed by three Governors specializing in education criminal and juvenile justice issues.

• Served on numerous nonprofit board and in numerous capacities within the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce


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The Issues Facing District 113

Vicki believes in common sense government that responds to the critical needs of its citizens. She is a strong supporter of limited government who believes in fiscal responsibility, the advancement of economic freedom and opportunity, affordable housing, and is an advocate for democracy.

Increasing Public Safety and Keeping our communities safe is one of Vicki’s biggest priorities.
Vicki supports:
• Increased funding for law enforcement officers and training programs.
• Criminal justice reform including funding for reentry programs to ensure those that offenders who return home to our communities from jails and prisons are   prepared to lead law-abiding and productive lives.
• Services aimed at supporting and protecting victims of crimes and/or their families.

Supporting First Responders.
Vicki supports:
• Continued funding of first responders’ pension funds and healthcare needs, especially those incurred as part of their occupation.

Standing With Veterans. Vicki understands the responsibility and duty that Floridians have to support veterans living in our communities.
Vicki supports:
• Military and veteran-friendly programs and legislation that help those who have fought for their country.

Expanding Affordable Housing.
Vicki supports:
• Funding of affordable housing through the State and Local Housing Trust Funds created by the passage of the Sadowski Act.

Strengthening Education.
Vicki supports:
• Empowering parents through choice in their child’s education, including the option to attend charter or parochial schools.
• Increased funding for the state’s Early Learning programs.

Preserving the Environment. Vicki understands that Florida’s economy is linked to the environment.
Vicki supports a comprehensive statewide plan to address:
• The need for septic tank to sewer conversion.
• Water quality, sea level rise, and the protection of our natural resources.

Improving Mental Health.
Vicki supports:
• Increase funding for mental health services both in the community and in schools, particularly because of the pandemic crisis.
• A comprehensive program to update Florida’s system for the delivery of behavioral health services.

Strengthening the Economy.
Vicki supports:
• The elimination of overreaching and burdensome government regulations that are costly to businesses, especially small businesses.
• Protecting professionals and individuals from frivolous lawsuits.

Providing Affordable and Accessible Healthcare.
Vicki supports:
• Ensuring access to quality and affordable healthcare and provide more accountability of taxpayer dollars for service to the citizens.
• An increase of healthcare clinics to provide primary care for indigents who traditionally go to emergency rooms where services costs more.

Expanding Infrastructure.
Vicki Supports:
• Responsible growth management to address the needs of the growing population while protecting the environment.

Vicki will fight against failed economic policies and keep Florida as a Shining Example to the Nation. She supports Pro-Florida Policies that combat Federal Overreach.

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